How Sick Do You Get If I Have A Bone Marrow Transplant. What Can I Expect If I Agree To A Transplant
It’s understandable to have a lot of questions about a bone marrow transplant—it's a big decision. While everyone’s experience is unique, the process can be challenging, and side effects depend on factors like your overall health, the type of transplant, and how your body responds. Some common side effects include fatigue, nausea, risk of infections, and digestive issues as the immune system temporarily weakens. Recovery can take time, and staying closely connected with your care team will be key.
Have your doctors discussed what the recovery process might look like or what support you might need during this time? It’s a good idea to lean on them for guidance and ask about ways to manage potential side effects. Sending you strength as you consider your next steps. You’re not alone in this! 💙
Tagging @A MyMelanomaTeam Member @A MyMelanomaTeam Member who have experience with this!
I Have To Have Bone Marrow Taken Out Thursday He Said If Test Comes Back At Twenty Percent I Have Go On Chemo Is That True
Do I See A Foot Doctor Or Dermatologist?
Heh Gang...its Very Important That U State What Drugs U Are On.