How Come You Don't Mention Ghost Moles? This Is How I Got Stage 4 Melanoma Inside My Body..
3 of my Doctors looked to see what mole caused this. They did full body search through every nook and even inside private areas. So that's when they said it must have been a Ghost mole. These moles appear somewhere on your body.. May be blueish color, clear color mole then it disappears without you even knowing. That's why for months on end I told them something was wrong. I even asked my Doctor if I was dying?
I understand the ghost mole! I had Desmoplastic Melanoma and it is NOT a mole- it is a pearl colored “bump” that blends in with my/your skin. I had it for around 8 years before it changed. Like you, I knew something was wrong. My doctor biopsied my arm last July snd sure enough it was skin cancer. Kudos to you for staying on top of this!
We are the best advocates for ourselves!! Hang in there! This Too Shall Pass.🧡
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Based on my knowledge base, here are some key points about melanoma:
- Types of Melanoma: Melanoma can appear as new or changing moles, patches, bumps, or even marks on your nails. It can also develop in the eye, known as ocular melanoma
- Symptoms: Melanoma typically causes Show Full Answer
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