My Husband Has Malignant Melanoma Stage IV. Suddenly He Is Extremely Tired, And Unsteady On His Feet. He Has Lost Over 10 Lbs In A Month.
He sleeps alot and lost his appetite. He is 81 yrs old Does it sound like he is entering the final days of his life? Dr stopped Keytruda and is starting a new one. Dr has ordered lots of new blood work and an echo of his heart. Should I prepare myself for his end?
Jennifer you and Brian are in my prayers.
Thank you Bernard. Please let your wife help you when she asks. It is the only way we feel we can show you we care.
Thank you for sharing your son. Very nice
This is a photo of my son during his whole brain radiation. We knew about the large black lesion on his head, but no had no idea of the other spots until he lost his beautiful thick hair.
Thank you Vicki2. I have sent a message to his doctor. I found another lesion similar to the ones on his scalp on his back. I am so angry as I spent years telling doctors about the moles on his back. It's in God's hands now.
Has Anyone With Malignant Melanoma Stage IV Had New Lesions Appear And Start Growing On Your Scalp? Jim Has Lost 5 Lbs. In The Last 8 Days.
My Father Has Recently Started Chemo, As His Disease Spread To His Blood. He's Been Having A Major Confusion. Anyone Gone Through This??
Has Anyone Had Their Melanoma Spread Into The Brain? If So, What Options Were Given For Treatment If Any?