What’s One Thing About Melanoma That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
I'd check back with the oncologist doc for probably at least two or three years. If the melanoma was anywhere near Stage 4, like mine is, I'd check back at least annually (if not every six months) with oncologist ongoingly, for remainder of life. Also, I'd see skin doc (dermatologist) annually as well.
Sorry for your family losses, Harry. And just hope you work on your situation now.
Go with your gut instinct, if a lump or small pimple is not healing or something feels like it's stuck in your eye, I have been to several specialists and just because it's not bleeding or is not crusting or a big sore it does not exclude the fact that it could be melanoma... You must insist something is not right
Nutrition is critical as cancer cells use sugar (glucose) as much of their fuel.
Thanks they said mine also was the worst .thanks for the answers just have to do it
Also said I have pre cancerous cells on my head which the sound seems a we bot omunis but wish both of us luck .
What Is Smoldering Melanoma?
Has Anyone Had Their Melanoma Spread Into The Brain? If So, What Options Were Given For Treatment If Any?
My Doctor Has Ordered A BRAF Test On My Tumor. Can Someone Give Me More Information About This Please