This Showed Up On My Face Not Sure If Old Age Spot Or Melanoma.
Had melanoma on leg and got it removed. Came back 6 percent. clear diameters but some acceleration. Not sure to get dye done or not to see if spread. TBD
It’s important to monitor any new or changing spots on your face, especially with a history of melanoma. Lentigo maligna melanoma, often mistaken for age spots, can appear as flat brown or tan patches that darken over time. Changes in size, color, or texture, or symptoms like oozing or bleeding, warrant immediate attention Show Full Answer
Thanks, I have a 7 month wait to see dermatologist. :( I do have appointment made.
What Is Desmoplastic Melanoma
What Is Desmoplastic Melanoma
Has Anyone Had Their Melanoma Spread Into The Brain? If So, What Options Were Given For Treatment If Any?