Just Told My Biopsy Is Melanoma In Situ And Kind Of Freaked Out.
The said biopsy showed in situ at lateral border and have to have excision now. But I’m worried about the possibility that they say it’s not in situ but worse once they do the excision.
Hi Jessica, I think I can safely say that anyone with melanoma goes through that same anxious feeling of not knowing what's next. Try to stay positive until you are told something different. It is NOT an easy thing to do.. but it is possible and it allow you to cope better with the many unknowns with melanoma. I have practiced meditation for some time and it really helped me with coping with ALL that Life throws at me.
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Melanoma in situ, also known as stage 0 melanoma, means that the cancer cells are only in the top layer of skin (the epidermis) and have not spread deeper or to other parts of the body. This stage is very unlikely to spread and can often be cured with surgery. Your doctor will Show Full Answer
I was diagnosed in May of this year and I had such bad anxiety, that my doctor put me on Klonipin. It has helped immensely. I've had 5 sessions of immunotherapy and WLE. Now that I've gotten into a regular routine, my anxiety has leveled out. Yeah, the first few weeks are horrible cuz you just don't know what to expect. But once you settle into a routine, you'll feel better.
My 5 Year Old Has A Mole On His Big Toe By His Nail. The Doctors Because Of Our Family History Of Melanoma, Want To Biopsy ?
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