Has Anyone Been On The Chemo Pill Called Temodar (temozolomide). If So, What Has Been The Benefit Vs. The Side Effects.
Metastatic Melanoma, brain, bone, lung, etc. Immuno did not work, have been on chemo duo pills for 8 months. Body cancer doing well but brain cancer is growing expediential. Already had a few GammaKnife treatments and brain surgery to remove a tumor to identify the type of cancer. Had melanoma 25 years ago, early stage but after diagnosed with MSA (multiple systems atrophy) all hell broke loose.
Thank you for any insight you can provide regarding what to expect from Temodar.
Temozolomide, also known as Temodar, is a chemotherapy drug available in oral capsule form. It is used to treat melanoma that has metastasized (spread to other parts of the body).
- Temozolomide can help slow down or stop the growth of melanoma cells.
Side Effects
- Common side effects include:
- Hair loss
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Who Has Or Is Doing Immunotherapy With Ipi/nivo (OPDIVO/yervoy)? What Has Been Your Experience?
Could Anyone That Has Had Infusions With Both Drugs—Nivolumab/ipilimumab—let Me Know How Bad The Side Effects Were?
Heh Gang...its Very Important That U State What Drugs U Are On.